Sign-up for In-Person Worship Services

Per the message from Pastor Sherry, the Administrative Council and the Re-Opening Team, in-person worship services will resume at Cedarville UMC on May 2, 2021.

Those who wish to attend a service will need to sign up for their family unit, or individually, via Sign-up Genius, see the links below.

Sign-ups open on Monday at 10am for the following Sunday. The Signup Genius will open each Monday at 10:00 a.m. for the coming Sunday’s worship services and remain open until midnight Saturday night or until we reach our capacity. NOTE: You MUST sign up weekly

Click on the link below to sign-up and register your attendance at this coming Sunday’s worship service:

Traditional (8:00AM) Service Attendance Sign-up

Contemporary (9:30AM) Service Attendance Sign-up

Traditional (11:00AM) Service Attendance Sign-up

Those without internet access will call the church office to register to attend. Both services will continue to be live-streamed for those who cannot come to the services in person.

As we excitedly prepare to once again open for in-person worship services in the Sanctuary (Traditional 8:00 &11:00) and in the Family Life Center (Contemporary 9:30), here are a few notes to assist you in signing up and in preparing for some differences from what you were used to.

First, here is the link to the Re-opening video, which guides you through the changes.

Re-Opening Video link:

Please note from the video that there will be specific entrance and exit paths. 

For the Contemporary Service (9:30), you will enter through the Main Entrance at the back of the building. This is the entrance next to the swing sets (the swings are to the left of the walkway). Please use the hand sanitizer stations upon entering the lobby or FLC. When leaving the facility, you will be dismissed by ushersand will exit through the doors next to the kitchen.

Only those unable to do the steps may use the lower classroom entrance to reach the elevator, which will take you to the FLC lobby. Please use the hand sanitizer stations upon entering the FLC or lobby.

For the Traditional Service (8:00 & 11:00), you will enter through the Main Sanctuary entrance with the pillars. The ushers will guide you to your pew, and will dismiss you from your pew at the close of the worship service. You will exit through the doorway to the upper right of the sanctuary space, which leads to a walkway to the parking lot.

A ramp to the left of the sanctuary main entrance is available for those who have difficulty with steps.

Offering plates or baskets will not be passed. Instead, if you bring your offering with you, you will be able to place it in the plate or basket as you exit the Sanctuary of Family Life Center.

If you are part of the worship team and will not be seated in the chairs or pews in the main seating areas (ushers, musicians, 8 & 11 scripture readers/worship leaders, etc), you do not need to register for the Sunday you are participating.  If you are attending with friends or family, they do need to register.

We are very excited that we are able to gather to celebrate and worship God together! In order to keep everyone safe, there are some important rules that must be followed according to the CDC and county guidelines and our Cedarville Trustees and Re-Opening Team. 

·      Be Exposure/Symptom Free

·      Use Hand Sanitizer on Entry or Re-entry

·      Practice Social Distancing

·      Mask Over Nose AND Mouth

·      Cover Coughs & Sneezes

·      No Person-Person Contact

·      No Congregational Singing 

(However, you may hum or mouth the words under your mask)

Additionally, ushers will take your family group to your seats and you are required to sit together.  Masks are to be worn at all times while in the facility.  

By attending the service and by reading the above, you acknowledge that there may be an inherit risk to exposure to the coronavirus (Covid 19) and will not hold the church, the pastors or any other congregant responsible.

Our goal is to gather as a family of faith to worship in the most safe and comfortable way possible.  We thank you for abiding by the established plans to help ensure that we can continue to gather in person and to praise God together.

We look forward to once again worshipping in-person in God’s house!

Blessings to all!

Pastor Sherry, Trustees and Re-Opening Team

Cedarville United Methodist Church