Pastor’s Message for Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Dear Friends – 

When have you found yourself going forward in the journey when there seemed to be no way to go? When have you persevered when giving up made more sense? 

The Book of Exodus tells us there was a wall of water beside the people who walked across the dry seabed. How harrowing must that have been, but still they walked—one foot in front of another, as they made their way across. 

Are you making your way across, trying not to stare at the wall of water and all that could go wrong, but instead keeping your eyes on the hope that lies before you? 

I am looking for some of your stories about how God has made a way when there seemed to be no way; of how you have persevered when it made more sense to give up. These may be stories from within this pandemic time. Or, it could be some other time or issue when you have persevered.

If you are willing to share your story of perseverance, please contact me at

Blessings as we journey!

Pastor Sherry

Cedarville United Methodist Church