Pastor’s Message for Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Dear Friends –

First let me share our heart felt thanks to all of you for your prayers, support, and love as we journey through another loss. In June, my step-father, Norm, passed on to the eternal realm; and last Thursday, Gordy’s mother, Pat, went home to be with the Lord. We give thanks for these two people who have touched and blessed our family; and we trust God with their eternal keeping.

As we all journey together through difficult days, whether due to the coronavirus or other situations we are facing, one of the most powerful and comforting things we can do is to pray. Turning to God in prayer provides strength and peace to our spirits. Today, I offer you this link, which will take you to the Upper Room website. It is filled with prayers and prayer practices for children, youth, and families. I trust that you will find it helpful and meaningful as we continue to navigate these days that can bring fear, isolation, panic, anger, anxiety, doubts, impatience. 

In the midst of all of this, may we turn to the one who calms our fears, provides presence, stills panic and anxiety, assists in releasing anger, holds our doubts, and increases patience. 

Praying with and for you during these times.
Pastor Sherry

Attending a church conference in Richmond, Virginia, Grover Emmons heard Reverend John W. Smith speak about the power of God descending on Jesus’ disciples as they prayed in an upper room. Dr. Emmons, who was instrumental in the development of a daily devotional, was inspired: the magazine would be called The Upper Room.

Cedarville United Methodist Church