Pastor’s Message for Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Hi, All –

Today the sun is shining, and I so appreciate seeing it! 

We continue in this journey of keeping ourselves physically apart from one another, which is extremely hard for me!! I am such a people-person and love being around people. So, not being able to see you all in person has been a struggle for me. Seeing the sun shining today was such a blessing!!

And, while we wait for the time when we can gather together in one place again, I give thanks for the ways in which we continue to connect through emails, phone calls, online video platforms, etc.

This Sunday, we remember the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem to the crowds waving Palm branches and shouting Hosanna!! We also remember that Palm Sunday begins Holy Week, a time when we remember Christ’s suffering and death. 

As we prepare for Sunday, I am passing along an idea that was sent to me for celebrating Palm Sunday and staying connected even while we remain be behind closed doors. (See below).

May the Holy Spirit uplift you today and every day!!

Pastor Sherry


How can we publicly acknowledge this important day on our calendar when so many of us will be behind closed doors?

The Missionaries of the Holy Spirit posted this idea on their Facebook page:

What if everyone on Sunday April 5 in the morning, puts a branch on the door of their house or on the window, to celebrate Palm Sunday?

It could be any green branch you can get. This would help, despite the social distancing, to be connected as we enter into the Holiest of Weeks.

Want to join? 

We may be physically isolated, but not separated. We are united as the body of Christ.

Cedarville United Methodist Church