Pastor’s Message for Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Dear Friends –

A friend created a quilted design following a time of upheaval and confusion in her life. It is a powerful reminder that God will take all things and work for good, in God’s time. 

In the first frame, there is a symmetry. There is a beautiful pattern and each peace of the pattern falls into perfect place, right next to the others.

In the second frame, you can see and sense the confusion and disarray that the creator is seeking to express.

In the final frame, another pattern emerges – quite different from the original, but equally beautiful!!

The first frame makes me think of our church and our lives the way they were. In the second frame, I see us where we are right now. We are a bit scattered, yet still connected. I look forward to seeing what new and breathtaking pattern God is shaping us to be as we move into God’s amazing, and yet to be seen, future.

Be blessed, dear friends.

Be blessed!!
Pastor Sherry

Cedarville United Methodist Church