Pastor’s Message for Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Dear Friends – 

I just finished listening to this hymn (see link below), written and sung by The Rev. R. DeAndre Johnson – It Is Enough! It brought tears to my eyes and anguish to my heart. I ache for my sisters and brothers of color as they continue to live the nightmare that racism cultivates and promotes. I ache for my white sisters and brothers – both those who ache with our siblings of color and those who are filled with fear and hatred towards them. 

It is our human condition that causes us to fear and to hate. Laws can sometimes change behavior. No law can change the human heart and what spews forth from it.

It is the Holy Spirit who comes and transforms hearts. Come Holy Spirit!

It Is Enough! Kyrie Eleison! Christe Eleison! 

It Is Enough! Lord have mercy! Christ have mercy!

Prayers for peace and healing in all of our hearts!
Pastor Sherry

Cedarville United Methodist Church