Pastor’s Message for Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Hi, all –

Today, I share with you a reflection from a sister in Christ at First UMC, with her permission. As I read it, I was moved by the candid thoughts about what is going on in our world right now. But, equally moved by the powerful reminder that life and hope continue to push their way through the fear and anxiety of our days. The living God walks with us through every day.

Reflect on Sissy’s writing:

These are scary times to say the least. Being confined to home (as most of us are), I get caught up in the doomsday message.  This virus is wrecking havoc in our World – suffering, heartache, death.  What can we do?

Then I walk outside and see the bright yellow daffodils relentlessly pushing their way through the dry leaves (which I didn’t rake last fall). It appears that we can’t keep the new growth and birth from happening despite the chaos we’re facing. God’s creative force is alive and well. I must acknowledge that God  is with us.  

This brings to mind the message in Romans 8:38-39. I am absolutely convinced that nothing – nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable – absolutely Nothing can get between us and God’s Love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us (from The Message).  

God’s Love is always with us and that’s what enables us to share that love.  Let’s continue to encourage each other and Keep the Faith. In Jesus’s Name  AMEN.


Sissy Spare

Thank you, Sissy, for your words of hope, comfort and peace in these difficult days in which we journey.

Blessings, prayers, and peace to all.

Pastor Sherry

Cedarville United Methodist Church