Pastor’s Message for Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Anyone else having moments like this? 

 We are in a very confusing time. It is hard to keep track of the days as one day flows into the next. Even with having much to do each day, I miss the routine of leaving the house to go to the church and leaving the church to visit folks on a regular basis. I miss seeing all of you on Sunday mornings and throughout the week for various gatherings. I miss greeting you on Wednesday evenings at Cedarville nights. I miss your smiles and your hugs. 

Still, in the midst of the confusion and the longing for “normalcy,” I step out of my front door and see the beauty of God’s handiwork and I know that it is Spring. Perhaps not a “normal” spring, but it is Spring. I am reminded that following a season of dormancy, new life springs forth. 

God is still in control and that God is with us. No matter what the journey holds, we can trust that God will never leave us nor forsake us.As we continue in this journey, we will do what needs to be done to keep everyone safe until we are able to be together again. We will continue to offer online worship, online study groups, online meetings. We will continue to be the body of Christ in our community as we become aware of needs and find ways to fill them. 

Through it all God is here!

Blessings, prayer, peace, and Easter Hope!

Pastor Sherry

Cedarville United Methodist Church