Pastor’s Message for Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Dear Friends,

As you’ve heard, our sheltering in place order for Pennsylvania has been extended to May 8. But, please remember this, too: church is not canceled. It just continues to look different.

This isn’t the 2020 we had planned. Navigating what church looks like during a pandemic has been a challenge, but we find hope in seeking our faithful God and knowing that nothing can cancel the Church.

Our community, including all of the people of God around the world, is not canceled. We’ll just continue to worship differently from where we are until we can be back together again. 

And we will be back together again. I know you’re facing disappointment, grief, and other difficulties in this time, but we are all in this together and we are here for you.

Here’s how:

· If you have financial, physical, or other needs right now, please contact Pastor Sherry to let us know. 

· We haven’t stopped praying for you. Please contact on Elaine Lambert or Sheila Hardin to update us on any prayer requests you may have. 

· We’ll keep updating our website, using our church-wide email list, phone chains, and automated phone calling system with the latest news about how our church is “meeting” and serving during this time.

What we won’t do:

· Meet in-person. All of our in-person events, groups, and other gatherings are on pause as we practice loving our neighbor through staying at home as much as possible. 

· Panic. God is still in control. As hard as it is to rest right now, we can choose to remember that God is in control and rest in God’s peace.

· Waste this season. All of us have a huge opportunity to connect with people online, through phone calls, or through sending notes in the mail. You can also serve our community right now through posting uplifting messages and words of hope on your social media platforms. Let’s use these opportunities to reach out to one another and our community during this time. 

What we will do:

· Stay connected. Isolation isn’t good for any of us and we’re making sure that having to be physically distanced doesn’t mean we’re completely disconnected. We continue to “gather” for worship online each Sunday morning at 10:00, which can be accessed through our website homepage  and clicking on the button for the worship service. And, we continue to meet in Bible studies, committees, and other meetings using Zoom.

· Love our neighbors. There are needs inside and outside of our church that we can work together to help meet. Even if you’re not in a position to donate financially, a kind word through the phone, serve in local efforts, or spreading a hope-filled message on social media can really help. We will keep you posted as opportunities arise to serve in our community or to help in funding the efforts that are occurring to meet needs.

· Remember our Hope. Our shared faith in Jesus Christ is what brought us together and will help us stick together. We should lean on and remind each other of God’s promises when we’re feeling weary.

Our church leadership is praying continuously and trusting God. We encourage you to do the same. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

Blessings, peace, prayers, and Easter Hope!

Pastor Sherry

Cedarville United Methodist Church