Pastor’s Message for Thursday, March 19, 2020

Message for Thursday, March 19

Dear friends –
My heart is filled to overflowing! Last night, I was blessed by the servant hearts of a small Praise Team and Brad who met in our Family Life Center to record songs; and Chris and Margaret who spent time recording hymns and Preludes/Postludes in the sanctuary. (A group of less than 10 people keeping 6 feet between them, abiding by the guidelines for “social distancing.”)

Because of their selfless love, we now have praise music and hymns through Easter Sunday as we work together to bring you worship experiences that will include music, prayers, and a message from your Pastor each Sunday beginning at 10:00 am. (If this journey takes us through Easter, we will worship together online on Holy Thursday and Good Friday at 7:30 pm, as we make the journey through Holy Week together.)

We are blessed with folks who have technology skills and gifts, as well as willing spirits to give their time to work on this. 

As I sat listening to the music – and singing along/worshipping – I was overcome by emotion, blessed by the music while also being struck by just how much I miss being with all of you. 

I came across the prayer request (below) and can assure you that these things and more are keeping me busy through these days as I attempt to keep up with all that is happening (and changing) daily. 

This morning, I was on a “Zoom” call with our District Superintendent and others from our Conference who offered training on using Zoom for video conferencing. I know they say ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ – but I hope to prove that saying wrong, as I attempt to increase my knowledge and understanding in these areas. My goal and desire is to use these tools to connect us with one another in this time.
On Sunday morning, you can go to and click a link to our streamed worship service, which will begin at 10 am. You can also go to our Facebook page. 

You remain in my heart, on my mind, and in my prayers as we forge ahead in these days. 

May the peace of Christ surround you!
Pastor Sherry
Cedarville United Methodist Church