Pastor’s Message for Thursday, April 23, 2020

Who (and What) is Helping?

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” ― Mr. Fred Rogers 

We’re all adjusting to new versions of our “normal” lives: being thrust into homeschooling if you weren’t already, dealing with wide-scale unemployment, and going to church exclusively online. 

But like the wise Mr. Rogers, we find comfort in these anxious, scary times by looking for the helpers. And there are plenty right in our church and community. 

It takes work behind the scenes to make sure we’re prepared to worship together online on Sundays. 

Those of you who are tech-savvy already know the hours and hours of time that it takes to put splice together a few minutes of material to create a video. Multiply that immensely when you consider a 35-minute worship experience being created each Sunday morning!! (And, 45 minutes on Easter Sunday, with special additions!)

I offer a word of appreciation to Chris Vogel and Brad Shupinski who take the wonderful gifts of our musicians, scripture readers, and children’s ministry team and weave them together with the “countdowns,” prayers and messages so that we are able to remain connected with God and with one another through online worship each Sunday. 

On Sunday mornings, Brad “shepherds” the process of streaming the worship services, making sure that things run smoothly. I am so very grateful for their gifts and their servant hearts. They would never seek praise for themselves. But, it is good for us to express our gratitude to them.

More helping: I have received word from a family at First UMC, who will be members of Cedarville UMC as of the May 1st merger. It is their desire to “serve their new extended family, or a family that has reached to to the church looking for assistance.” They wish to remain anonymous, but offer to do food shopping or make a car payment or assist with some other need during this time of pandemic.

There are helpers in our community who are gathering, bagging, and distributing food to those in need. Look for a separate email from me later today with information on how you can contribute some of the needed foods.

And you are helping, too. Your faithful generosity over the years has helped make it possible for us to worship together on Sunday and serve people in our community who are in need right now. 

If you would like to give online and continue supporting the ministry of Cedarville UMC, click here for the ways in which you can donate.

If you have a need right now, we have helpers. Send an email to let us know

May God richly bless you as you continue to support the needs in our church and in our community during this difficult time.

Blessings, prayers, peace, and Easter Hope!
Pastor Sherry

Cedarville United Methodist Church