Pastor’s Message for Sunday, May 17, 2020


We continue, day by day, to grow into the likeness of Christ – if we allow the Holy Spirit to grow in us the fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. As we grow in these fruit, we will also grow in humility. Humbleness is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.

Philippians 2 reminds us to not think more highly of yourself than you ought. In other words, keep a proper perspective – remember who you are in Christ and in God’s world.

As we move forward in this journey of physical separation from one another and the use of masks and hand sanitizers due to the corona virus, may we be reminded that, even if we are in a demographic less likely to experience the worst of the virus symptoms (and we may not  exhibit symptoms, at all), still we can carry it to others, without ever knowing it. We are called to be mindful of how our actions might harmfully effect others.

So, may we have this mind that was in Christ Jesus, that though he was equal with God did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; instead, he humbled himself…

May we humble ourselves in every aspect of this life as we seek to follow the humble Lord who calls us and leads us in the journey. 

I invite you to pray the following prayer each day this week, not as a way of “scolding” yourself. Instead, read it as a reminder of your role, your place, in a story that is ultimately about God.

May we humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift us up!

Lord, Help Me Be Humble: A Prayer for Humility

“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.” Philippians 2:3 

Imitating Jesus’ humility. Philippians 2:1-13

Merciful God,

Your truth runs counter to our self-exalting world: humble service is the path to kingdom greatness. This truth isn’t weak or foolish as the world would think, but is a blessed and honorable gospel garment donned by those who fear you, the one who exalts the humble and brings down the proud. Oh, that the entire world would live in humility before you and each other!

While I aspire to a life of godly humility, the pull of pride seems too strong to overcome. I so often desire to sit on your throne instead of bowing before you as the only true Sovereign and Holy God. I think highly of myself and my accomplishments and forget I am a person made of dust who, at best, can be called a servant of a great God. I even diminish the offense of pride by holding it lightly. Oh, Lord, rescue me from foolish pride and help me learn from your gentle and humble heart!

Gracious God, reprogram my soul with your Word to remember the world is all about Jesus and not myself. Help me not think more highly of myself than I ought, but to delight in regarding others as more important. Rescue me from the self-deception of pride by giving me a realistic view of my life, talents, and relationship with you; always looking to the cross which reveals both my need and your costly grace.

In my battle against pride, keep me from a false humility that fails to recognize your gracious gifts. Rather, help me steward what you have given me as a faithful servant—a servant ready to wear the garment of humility and serve you in whatever way would most help your Realm and bring praise to your name.

Lord, your Son left the pleasures of heaven for a life of service on earth—and he gave his life for undeserving and ungrateful people. Help me have his attitude, remembering that you oppose the proud and give grace to the humble. You must become greater; I must become less—only then does the glorious reality shine forth that Christ is highly exalted above every name in heaven and on earth.

May my entire being bow before you in loving allegiance, confessing you as Lord over all of my life and all of creation, to the praise of your glory.  AMEN.

Prayer adapted from Kevin Halloran

Blessings, grace and peace to you this day and everyday.

Pastor Sherry 

Cedarville United Methodist Church