Pastor’s Message for Saturday, June 13, 2020

Hello, Friends!

Thank you for your words, emails, cards of sympathy and your prayers for my family and me in the death of my step-father. Yesterday (Friday), we celebrated his life and offered him into God’s hands. I was asked by my step-siblings to officiate the funeral service. I was honored to do so. Still, I was drained by the time I returned home. 

Yet, God is good, all the time. God sustained me through the journey of preparing the service and the message, as well as leading the funeral. And, this extended family grieved together the passing, and celebrated together the life, of this man we all new and loved.

There is much joy and sorrow in this earthly journey. It is our faith that sustains us and our sisters and brothers in Christ who encourage and uphold us with prayer. And, our time together in worship uplifts us.
Still, this time of Coronavirus and continued physical separation, is a struggle. In times of grief and loss, our desire is to be with one another, in person; to share hugs. In due time…

For now, I pray that you will continue to be encouraged and uplifted by our Sunday morning time of worship online, as well as our Zoom Virtual Social time immediately following worship (see separate email for link), and our KidzZoom Sunday lessons for our children through grade 6 (also a separate link, sent to our children/families via email from Diane Cherico).

I know how difficult it can be to worship in front of a screen. So, I am res-sending the creative suggestions for worshipping at home during this time. I pray that you will use at least some of these ideas and that they will make your worshiping time more meaningful.

I pray that, rather than “watching” the service, you will enter into and experience the worship of God. Pray before the online service begins. Ask the Holy Spirit to open you and focus your thoughts and spirit on worship.

Draw near and be blessed!
Grace, peace, and prayers.
Pastor Sherry


For now, our weekly worship service continues to be online, and we gather around a computer screen instead of inside the church building. So how do you become more than simply a viewer watching a screen? Check out these tips for engaging with your online church community.

1. Create a sacred space.

Light a candle. Use a green place mat to symbolize the season of growth. For this Sunday, put some fresh flowers on the mat to symbolize growth and life. Place a cross in the center of the table. Open your Bible. If you have a hymnal, get it out.

Having a space where you are worshipping look a bit different helps with feeling centered.

2. Say “Hello.”

Greeting fellow worshipers is a routine part of attending church. Do the same online. Engage through the chat functions, such as the comment box on Facebook Live. As you see friends join the service, say “hi.”

Greeting one another through chat is important so that you see that you’re not by yourself. There’s a sense of knowing that people are worshiping with you and you are still connected.

3. Don’t just sit there.

Stand up. When you’re singing a hymn or praise song, get out of your seat. I know it might feel a bit odd, but remember that you/we are worshipping God. Stand to honor and revere God as you sing and worship!

4. Come closer, please.

This is one setting where physical distancing does not apply. In keeping with the theme of seeking to feel connected, sitting closer to the online activity on the screen helps.

5. Sing louder.

Sing the songs. Pray the Opening Prayers, the Prayers of the People, and The Lord’s Prayer with the leader.

How many people around the world are saying The Lord’s Prayer? Thinking about this makes you feel less alone and less small, because you’re part of a whole.”

6. Let us pray.

Share your prayer requests, both joys and concerns, by sending the information via email to Elaine Lambert or Sheila Hardin.

Tell us what’s going on. We still want to know your prayer joys and concerns.

7. Let us know you are worshipping with us.

Just because there is no formal attendance registration process doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t let your church know that you’re in worship. Register your attendance by engaging with the comments/chat boxes or by “liking” the social media post. We want to know that you’re there.

8. Say “cheese!”

Consider sharing photos of how you and/or your family are worshiping together at home and share and/or tag them to our church’s Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, to create a sense of community.

9. Sit with the folks you normally do.

Consider worshiping together through Zoom, chat rooms or private Facebook groups with your Sunday School class, small group or families and friends that you sit near at church. In her church, there are groups that meet virtually for coffee or breakfast together– from your own homes, of course – and then watch the worship service together through an online service.

10. Join us for the Zoom Virtual Social immediately following worship.

Join in a time of sharing and connecting with folks we aren’t able to see in person right now. 

11. Join us for the KidzZoom Sunday lesson for children through grade 6.

An opportunity for our children to join in a time of learning and connecting with one another and their teachers.

Cedarville United Methodist Church