Pastor’s Message for Monday, March 16, 2020

Bill’s Barrel: Scarce Goods, Abundant Faith

Dear Cedarville Church Family -Know that I am holding you in prayer this day as we continue to navigate through these uncertain waters. Again, I remind you of the One who calmed the raging waters. And I remind you of the words in Psalm 46:10 – “Be still and know that I am God.”

In the link, below, is a powerful word from a colleague’s husband, as he reflects on his own father’s words of faith during the gasoline shortages of a few decades ago. While the circumstances are different, these words remain relevant to people of faith in all of our times of trial. 

If you know of someone who is not on the church membership email list, please take a moment to forward or otherwise share this with them. 

Also, continue to reach out to one another and stay connected, sharing words of faith and encouragement through these unchartered waters; remembering the One who can navigate even troubled waters.

Pastor Sherry
Cedarville United Methodist Church